Message from Re-Cities Co-Founder
July 11, 2019
Via Propel by MIPIM on Twitter
Proptech is a powerful enabler to monitor, measure, analyse and improve the performance of our built environment."@cha_chungha of Re-Imagining Cities Foundation guides us through the importance of data for #proptech & smart cities.
2019 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction
The report underlines that dramatic improvements in the way the world's buildings are built, designed and operated are urgently needed if the vast, globally significant building and construction sector is to play its part in meeting international goals under the Paris Agreement. It shows that CO2 emissions from the world's buildings and their construction remain stubbornly at around 39 percent of total carbon dioxide emissions.
The report also underlines several worrying trends - overwhelming the many positive ones also featured - that governments need to address now to get on track to meet targets by 2030 and beyond. Indeed, without action, energy demands for this sector could rise by 50 percent by 2060. Our 2019 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction underlines that we're not on track. Without serious and sustained action these rising energy demands from this vital sector mean we cannot achieve the urgently needed climate transition or the sustainable development goals.
How to Implement a Smart Building
November 11, 2019
By Johannes Nussbaum
The discussion about whether smart buildings are a fad or a necessity for the future of real estate should come to an end. Instead, professionals should be realizing the advantages a smart building can provide for people and the planet.
Successful case studies of the implementation and optimization of smart building solutions heavily focus on outstanding user experience.
Ikea goes all in on smart home tech
August 17, 2019
By Thomas Ricker
Ikea is formalizing what has recently become all too obvious: the company is making a major bet on smart home tech as a source of new revenue. To do this, Ikea announced that it will invest heavily in a new “Ikea Home smart” business unit with end-to-end responsibility for its burgeoning portfolio of smart devices. With access to 780 million shoppers who visit Ikea stores each year, the announcement also serves as a wake-up call to smart home incumbents like Google and Amazon.
Darren Bechtel announces $100m venture capital fund for construction tech
August 16, 2019
By GCR Staff
A venture capital firm led by Darren Bechtel, brother of Bechtel chairman Brendan, has launched a $97m fund to offer seed funding to construction-technology start-ups.
Brick & Mortar describes its mission as to “identify, invest in, and grow emerging companies developing innovative software and hardware solutions for the industries of architecture, engineering, construction, and facilities management”.
3 Biggest Disruptors in the Construction Industry of the Future
August 16, 2019
By Amy Wunderlin
The winners and losers of next-generation construction will be defined by how well they adapt to several emerging trends.
What does the future of the construction industry look like? Significant disruption is almost certain, but so too is opportunity, says Brian Moore of FMI Corporation during a recent webinar hosted by the American Concrete Institute (ACI).
Moore points to three trends in particular that will either make or break your construction firm over the next decade: the ongoing labor shortage, growth of megaprojects and the implementation of technology.
Introducing PAVEGEN
Pavegen creates high engagement with citizens by converting their footsteps into energy, data and rewards. They do this for smart cities and transport hubs, retailers, brands and educators. Pavegen is a data-rich platform that also provides people with the chance to interact physically with sustainability.
The 'phygital' mall: CapitaLand explains why Funan represents the future of shopping
January 01, 2020
By Shawn Lim
The newly reopened Funan mall is unlike any other shopping mall in Singapore, which embraces omnichannel through click-and-collect services, relies heavily on technology and even operates an urban farm. The Drum speaks to the various stakeholders involved in the project and retail experts to find out if the Funan model is the future of shopping malls.
A day at Funan could look like this – As you drive to your office, which is in the WeWork co-working space in Funan, you take out your phone and book your car park slot ahead of time. Driving into the mall, you are guided to your allocated lot by the video-based smart car parking facility.
Before entering Funan’s twin office blocks to head up to the WeWork, you go through a facial recognition turnstile.
Seeking an Edge, Developers and Investors Turn to ‘Proptech’
May 07, 2019
By Lisa Prevost
“Proptech” is a hot buzzword in commercial real estate, as developers and investors seek an edge in buying, selling and managing their properties.
The swelling market has attracted venture capitalists, who invested a record $12 billion in proptech start-ups globally in 2017, according to a report from RE:Tech, a tech research marketing agency.
What Global Banks Look For to Invest in PropTech
May 06, 2019
By Betsy Kim
In New York City's 2018 year-end report, CRETech stated $9.6 billion was invested in the commercial real estate tech sector that year. One session at the annual Catalyst event, organized by Honest Buildings and Convene, looked into why the largest global banks are investing in proptech.
Space management & efficiency and its impacts on users and cities
May 03, 2019
By Isobel Lee
PropTech has a key role to play in the evolving space management landscape. Space management software from Boston-based Archibus helps companies consolidate space across property portfolios, transform under-used shared space and forecast needs with scenario planning.
Meanwhile, the recent MIPIM Start-Up Competition, held in Cannes in March, was won by a piece of space management tech called Spaceti, which monitors the relationship between buildings and users, to make smart suggestions for an improved use of space.
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